Jnana – Knowledge Programmes of Hindu Centre
Educational Activities
Adults and children can learn about Hinduism’s rich religious traditions and philosophies through these ongoing courses which are mostly conducted in English.
- Balagurukulam – Hinduism classes for children aged 4 – 16. Conducted on Sundays from 10am to 12.30pm
- Hinduism classes for youth and adults
- Sanskrit class, Shloka chanting, Home puja
- Hindu scriptures: Bhagavad Gita, Bhaja Govindam, Sivapuranam, Ramayana and Mahabharata etc.
- Tenets of Hinduism: Hindu Dharma, Samskaras (rites for the different stages in one’s life) and Vedanta
- Hindu Deities, Saints, Temples and festivals
- Talks & lectures by prominent international teachers on various aspects of Hinduism
- Publication of booklets on key aspects of Hinduism – the ‘Omkara’.
- For further information on the programs offered, please visit the Events page.